Four Pieces of Georgian Silver, each London: a butter warmer, 1735-36, John Gamon, maker, with squat bulbous body and turned wood handle, body ht. 2 1/10; a low bowl, 1770, maker's mark "TH," with scalloped edges, dia. 8 3/4; a milk jug, 1795-96, Henry Greenway, maker, with domed and hinged lid topped by an urn-form finial, body engraved with a motto and serpent, on a spreading foot, with a wood handle, ht. 7 1/4; and a covered, double-handled, barrel-form cream jug, with rubbed date mark, Solomon Hougham, maker, ht. 3 1/4 in., approx. 36.4 total troy oz. Scattered surface abrasions, base slightly uneven.
