Five Scrimshaw Walking Sticks, 19th century, one topped with a carved whale's tooth clenched fist on an ebony shaft with a small inlaid diamond-shaped plaque and whalebone terminal; one of spiral-turned narwhal tusk; one with faceted whalebone top on a spiral-turned baleen shaft; one with a carved whale's tooth handle on a cane shaft; and one with a small knob of ivory, baleen, and whalebone on a wood shaft; (losses, wear), lg. 20-36 in. clenched fist stick- clenche fist holding a small shaft which missing a piece, the shaft is missing one of two diamond inlay segments. narwhal tusk stick- possibly there was a longer stic at one time. faceted whalebone top stick- loss to tip. whale tooth handle stick-couple cracks on shaft. small knob stick- crack on ivory top.
