14kt Gold and Hardstone Cameo Suite, c. 1828, the cameo suite, given as a christening present to Mary Louisa Adams (1828-1859), granddaughter of Louisa Catherine and John Quincy Adams from her godfather General Stephen Van Rensselaer, comprising a small brooch, a pair of bracelets and a necklace, each set with an oval cameo depicting Cupid in a 14kt gold mount, the bracelets and necklace with strands of linked and spiral twist 14kt gold chains, mounted in a hinged red leather case lined with silk and blue velvet with conforming compartments for each piece; accompanied by Louisa's Book of Common Prayer, with a dedication at the front inscribed "Ascended to Mifs Mary Louisa Adams by her God Father" (signed) "Stephen Van Renfselaer Washington March 6th 1829." Note: This cameo suite is described in detail in an article reportedly published in the November 1888 issue of Wide Awake Monthly. A note accompanying the suite quotes the description from the article.
