Vinaigrette Pendant Set with Miniature-painted Buildings of Paris, probably France, 18th century, square plinth-shaped gilt-brass receptacle, with applied and engraved foliage, with hinged lid, the base set with carnelian, the top and sides set with round and oval miniature painted scenes of the cathedral of Notre-Dame, Arc de Triomphe, Pillar of Vandom, and the Pantheon, with gilt-brass linked chain and hanging ring, dia. 1 3/4 in. Note: A note accompanying the vinaigrette is inscribed "Vinagrette [ sic ] Property of Mary Louise A. Johnson." Mary Louisa Adams (1828-1859) is the granddaughter of John Quincy Adams, born while he was president. She was married to William Clarkson Johnson. Miniatures are possibly on ivory but hard to tell, there is some moisture dameage to the images leaving some residue.
