Eight Blue Transfer-decorated Staffordshire Pottery Plates, England, early 19th century, four with American scenes, including the Boston State House, three with printed titles: "Boston Hospital," "City Hall, New York," and a soup plate titled "Capytol [ sic ] Washington"; four with titled British scenes: "Villa in the Regent's Park/London," "London Views/The Lake/Regent's Park," "St. Phillips Chapel, Regent Street," and "R. Hall's Llanarth Court, Monmouthshire"; and one plate depicting "Moulin Sur La Marne a Charenton," (imperfections), dia. 8 1/4 to 10 1/8 in. Boston State House- minor toning. "Boston Hospital,"- couple rim chips wear to cavetto, stained. "City Hall, New York," - ligth staining, knife cuts through to blue underglaze. "Capytol [sic] Washington"- lightly toned, some cuts through to underglaze. "Villa in the Regent's Park/London," - minor light toning and rim wear. "The Lake/Regent's Park,"-good. "St. Phillips Chapel, Regent Street," - good. "R. Hall's Llanarth Court, Monmouthshire,"- good. Moulen Sur La Marne a Charenton," - good.
