Rare Pictograph Drawing on Muslin by Chief Henry One Bull (Sitting Bull's Nephew), Lakota, titled "Symbolic pictograph of Custer's Battle, drawn-painted, 1892, Chief One Bull," depicting a complete overview including One Bull attacking Reno's Troops carrying Sitting Bull's green shield and skull cracker, One Bull carrying wounded "friend", Good Bear, the camp circles with tribal locations, and "Refugees of children, old people and cripples," drawn and colored with various pigments, Note: This is the earliest of three or four versions of this battle done by Chief Henry One Bull. There is one in the Spurlock Museum at the University of Illinois done on sheepskin depicting the battle of the "Greasy Grass" done between 1934 and 1937. A second is in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and is illustrated in Visions of the People: A Pictorial History of Plains Indian Life, 59 x 35 in.
