Italian School, 16th Century Style Portrait of a Bearded Man in a Fur Collar Unsigned, stamped "... NA INTERNAZIONALE CHASSO..." on the stretcher. Oil on canvas, 29 3/4 x 25 in. (75.5 x 63.5 cm), framed. Condition: Lined, retouch, surface imperfections, probable masking varnish. Provenance: Purchased by the current owner from Harris & Holt Antiques, West Yorkshire, England. The lining is adhered with wax. The work is probably 19th century. Lined with flattening of impasto and probable skinning. A few more recent repairs as follows: l.r. corner with an area measuring 3/4 inches square, a u-shaped line l.c. measuring 3 inches, and a few minor dots scatted though the background. Evidence of old retouch to fill craquelure in the face. Heavy varnish seems to prevent detection of older restorations.
