Facsimile of a Paul Revere Engraved Military Document, America, probably an early to mid-20th century re-strike, a later print likely from the original copper-plate impression of an engraving originally made by Paul Revere, c. 1762, which was executed for the British troops for persons to be enlisted as a Montross (a soldier next in rank below the artillery gunner) for his majesty's North Battery at Boston; showing the buildings and fortification of the North Battery, with the North End in the background, with inscription "This may Certify all whom it may Concern; that the Bearer hereof______is an Inlisted MONTROSS at his MAJEFTY`S NORTH-BATTERY, in Boston, under my Command. Given under my Hand this _____ In the _____year of his Majef[s]ty's reign."; also inscribed "P Revere Sculp" c.r., (tear u.l.), sheet size 9 1/2 x 9 7/8 in., unframed.
