Nine Assorted Colorless Blown-molded and Pressed Glass Tableware Items, America, late 18th to 19th century, five decanters with stoppers: one with cut flutes and engraved medial band with star spangles, one with medial band of engraved tasseled swags, two blown-molded case decanters with gilt foliate and fruit decoration on the shoulders, and a blown three-mold decanter; two flip glasses with engraved floral and foliate designs, and two Sandwich glass nappies in the Pressed Peacock Eye (Peacock Feather) pattern; sold with a reproduction blown three-mold flip glass made for the Metropolitan Museum of Art with "MMA" mark on the bottom; (imperfections), ht. 1 1/2-11 1/2 in. Larger flip glass with extensive repaired crack, nappies with numerous rim chips, the cased decanter sides have been planed, chips around one engraved decanter rim and stopper have been smoothed.
