Six Assorted Blown and Blown-molded Colored Glass Bottles, an olive-amber case gin bottle with Dutch maker's name embossed on the side "V HOYTEMA & C," a c. German c. 1760 olive-amber "Belgian type" wine bottle, and a late 17th/early 18th century, possibly English, olive green "onion" bottle, an English late 18th century amber wine/porter bottle and a similarly shaped olive-amber bottle with "lady's leg" neck and star pontil; and a reddish-amber, blown-molded and embossed "WARNERS SAFE KIDNEY LIVER CURE/ROCHESTER NY" medicine bottle, (imperfections), ht. 7 1/2-11 1/2 in. case gin bottle- light wear to shoulder "Belgian type" wine bottle- some interior residue, very light wear "onion" bottle- star crack to shoulder, minor scratches and a couple surfaced bubbles. wine/spirit bottle-satin'like surface, few scratches to shoulder area bottle with "lady's leg" neck- minor scratches and lite wear "WARNERS SAFE" bottle- very good
