Eight Pewter Items, America, early to mid-19th century, a large baluster-form pitcher with hinged lid and scroll handle by Thomas Boardman, Hartford, Connecticut; a short lighthouse-form teapot with hinged domed lid and double scroll handles, by Morey & Ober, Boston; a pear-form teapot with hinged high domed lid and scroll handle, reportedly by George Richardson, Boston; a plate with a single-reeded brim, by Thomas Badger, Boston; three different sized porringers, the largest by Samuel Hamlin, Sr., the other two unmarked; and a candlestick with fingerhold and dished base by Henry Hopper, New York City, (dents), ht. 1 1/4-10 1/4, plate dia. 8 1/2 in. All items with varting degrees of dents and wear, the plate has a more pronunced dent on the rim and the largest porringer has a few significant dents.
