Nine Assorted Reference Books on American Antique Furniture, Decorative Arts, and Folk Art, five hardcover books including: Spiritually Moving: A Collection of American Folk Art Sculpture , by Thomas H. Geismar, Harvey Kahn, Ralph Sessions, and Dave Hoffman, Harry N. Abrams, publisher, slipcase edition, 1998; Worldly Goods: The Arts of Early Pennsylvania, 1680-1758 , by Jack L. Lindsey, Richard S. Dunn, Edward Carlos Carter, and Richard H. Saunders, Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1999; Samuel McIntire: Carving an American Style , by Dean T. Lahikainen, Peabody Essex Museum, publisher, 2007; Connecticut Valley Furniture by Eliphalet Chapin and His Contemporaries, 1750-1800 , by Thomas P. Kugelman, Alice K. Kugelman, Robert F. Trent, and Philip D. Zimmerman, Connecticut Historical Society, 2005; Willard's Patent Time Pieces: A history of the weight-driven banjo clock, 1800-1900 , by Paul J. Foley, Roxbury Village, publisher, 2002; and four softcover: Lions & Eagles & Bulls: Early American Tavern & Inn Signs from the Connecticut Historical Society , Thomas D. White, Princeton University Press; Old-Town and the Waterside 1635-1835 , a catalogue of an exhibition at the Cushing House Museum, Newburyport, Massachusetts, July 20-October 20, 1985; Portsmouth Furniture: Masterworks from the New Hampshire Seacoast , by Brock W. Jobe, Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, publisher, 1993; and The Best the Country Affords: Vermont Furniture, 1765-1850 , Bennington Museum Read more…
