Acton, Massachusetts, Needlework Sampler, "Jerusha Barker Acton Born July 28 1802 Aged 11 years," stitched with silk threads on a linen ground with several rows of alphabets over her signature lines and a pious verse "O blind to truth to virtue blind/Who slight the sweetly Pensive mind. ," surrounded by a geometric border, (toning, fading), 16 x 13 in., in a period black-painted wood frame with gilt liner. Note: The maker of the sampler, Jerusha Barker, descended from a historically important New England family from Acton, Massachusetts. Her maternal grandfather, Stephen Hosmer, the brother of Minuteman Abner Hosmer, and another maternal relative, Captain Isaac Davis, were the first men to be killed at the Old North Bridge at Concord on the first Day of the Revolutionary War, April 19, 1775. Her paternal grandfather, Joseph Barker, Jr., was a private under Colonel Perce at Concord that day and marched to Concord with his brothers John and Joseph. Jerusha was the child of Daniel Barker (1775-1840) and Esther Hosmer (b. 1783). She married Samuel Hosmer (1803-1893) in 1825; and the couple are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Acton. The sampler is accompanied by an extensive genealogy.
