Framed "A BAD MAN AT LARGE! " Broadside, "Cameron & Co., Printers, 57 Ann St. N.Y.," 19th century, the humorous text reads: "Our Citizens are hereby put on their guard against a suspicious person, who has been noticed lately prowling about the residences of some of our prominent citizens, his object is supposed to be a bad one, as he appears to be disguised. He wears a mixed pepper and salt over jacket lined with green leather, with a pepper collar and yellow pants with red lining. If any one can apprehend him, they will be doing a great service to the Town, and will be rewarded with a Ticket to Woodroffe and Gardner's Original Troupe of Glass Blowers. Every Afternoon and Evening. Admission 15 cents and everybody gets a present;" 10 1/4 x 8 1/4 in. overall.
