Tinware Covered Chestnut Basket, Bread Basket with Wax Fruit, and Two Small Papier-mache Plates, 19th century, a small elliptical tin covered chestnut basket with reticulated rim and integral undertray with ball feet, decorated with sepia village landscapes with figures and leafy gilt borders on a mustard yellow ground; an elliptical tin bread basket with gold crystalline interior and asphaltum exterior containing a group of wax fruit; and two small round papier-mache plates decorated with Asian landscapes and figures, (losses to chestnut basket), ht. to 4 1/2, dia. 5-13 in. Provenance: A note in the interior of the chestnut basket reads: "This item was formerly on display at the Goyette Museum in Peterborough, New Hampshire. The museum was closed in 1976 and its contents were sold at public auction commencing September 13, 1977."
