Federal Carved Mahogany, Mahogany Veneer, and Bird's-eye Maple Inlaid Tall Case Clock, southeastern Massachusetts, c. 1805-15, the painted dial with moon's age in the arch and a ship flying an American flag, refinished, (imperfections), ht. 92 in. Note: The inside of the waist door inscribed "Isaac Cory bought of Sylvester Brownell and brought in a sleigh around from the Deacon Brownell Farm of the west side of the River in Acoaxet - in early part of 18th [ sic ] century." A note accompanying the clock, written on a brown bag, further details that the clock descended through a family on Westport Point. fretwork possibly replaced; original finials, tin cased weights, pendulum with wooden rod, winder (broken), and key (taped inside case). one hand possibly replaced, glass cracked, minor loss to dial, minor veneer cracking.
