Group of Shaker and Shaker-related Ephemera, nine copies of the monthly periodical Shaker Manifesto , seven 1882, one 1892, and one 1893; two copies of A Discourse of the Order and Propriety of Divine Inspiration and Revelation... , by William Leonard, published by the United Society, Harvard, [Massachusetts], 1853; Catalog of Medicinal Plants..., New Lebanon, New York, c. 1853, with make-do protective cover; a soft-cover booklet Fifteen Years in the Senior Order of Shakers: A Narration of Facts Concerning that Singular People , by Harvey Elkins, Dartmouth Press, Hanover, 1853; a cased booklet A Concise Statement of the Principles of the Only True Church... , an 1847 reprint, the original 1790, published at New Gloucester, Maine; The Community Industries of the Shakers , by Edward D. Andrews Ph.D., published by the University of the State of New York, Albany, 1933, with illustrations; a booklet Shakers: A Correspondence Between Mary F.C. of Mt. Holly City and a Shaker Sister, Sarah L. of Union Village , [Ohio], 1869; a booklet The Therapeutical Powers and Properties of Veratrum Viride , by Wesley C. Norwood, M.D., fourth edition, Albany, New York, 1858; a booklet A Brief Exposition of the Established Principles and Regulations of the United Society of Believers Called Shakers , New York, 1879; a catalog Products of Intelligence and Diligence: Shakers Church Family Mount Lebanon, Col. Co. New York , c. 1890; and three late 20th century reproduction booklets.
