Nine Shaker-related Books, a bound copy of Harper's Magazine with an article, July, 1857, titled "The Shakers," with illustrations, pp. 164-177; The Peg Board: First Shaker Number 1936 , Darrow School, New Lebanon, New York, Volume 4, Number 3; Hymns and Anthems: The Hour of Worship , East Canterbury, New Hampshire, 1892; Shaker Theology , by H.L. Leads, Bishop of South Union, Kentucky, Shakers, New York, 1884; Shaker Music: Original Inspirational Hymns and Songs... , New York, published for the North Family at Mt. Lebanon, New York by William A. Pond & Co., 1884; two volumes: The Shaker Manifesto , monthly bound copies July 1878-January 1880, and January 1880-December 1881, and Shaker and Shakeress Monthly , published by the United Society, Mt. Lebanon, Col. Co., New York, bound copies January 1873-December 1874; and Original Shaker Music, Vol. II , published by the North Family of Mt. Lebanon, Col. Co., New York, 1893.
