Five Woven Splint Baskets, America, 19th century, some possibly Shaker-made, a round-over-square fruit basket with upright handle, the initials "EAD" stenciled on the handle, reportedly from Mt. Lebanon, New York; a large oblong basket with carved hardwood ear handles; a deep round fruit basket with domed center and carved swing handle with typical Taghkanic Indian handle joinery (with the ear turned crossways to fit over the rims of the basket); a deep oval basket on a rectangular base, with carved upright handle; and a openwork, hexagonal weave, handled basket, (imperfections), ht. 8 3/4-21, dia. 8 1/4-28 1/2 in. Round-over-square fruit basket with upright handle- a few breaks and losses around base edge. Large oblong basket with carved hardwood ear handles- large section on one side missing lashing, some braeks and losses around base edge. Deep round basker with domed center, hardwood swing handle- very good sturdy condition. Deep oval basket on a rectangular base, w/carved upright handle-few breaks to lashing and rim, and around base edge. Openwork hexagonal weave handled basket- good condition.
