Assorted Group of Sterling and Coin Silver Items, one monogrammed Tiffany & Co "Chrysanthemum" fish knife, two Lunt nut dishes, one International "Royal Danish" ladle, one Reed & Barton leaf-form dish, eight demitasse spoons with a shell-form bowl, maker's marks probably for London-based George Jackson and David Fullerton, three Swedish pickle forks, one monogrammed wish-bone tong, one Gorham "Etruscan" lemon fork, one Kirk & Son "Stieff Rose" pickle fork, one Mexican pickle fork, one mustard spoon, one Gorham salt spoon, one unmarked spoon with a pineapple terminal, one marked lobster pick, one repousse rose-decorated heart-shaped box, one large unmarked caster, and one pierced sweetmeat basket; together with an assorted group of ten marked coin silver flatware pieces.
