Four Transfer-decorated Creamware Items with Sloop Aurora of Newport , England, first quarter 19th century, including a covered sugar bowl and two soup plates depicting a black-transfer sloop with polychrome highlights over the inscription: "AURORA OF NEWPORT. JOHN CAHOONE," and a Liverpool pitcher with the Great Seal of the United States on one side, the reverse with a chain of thirteen states with the motto "DEUS NOBIS HAEC OTIA FECIT" (God has given us this tranquility) above three allegorical figures, and the name "JOHN CAHOONE" inscribed below the spout, (imperfections), ht. to 8 3/8, plate dia. 9 3/4 in. Literature: John Cahoone came from a prominent shipping family of Newport, Rhode Island, possibly the master of the privateer Vigilant during the War of 1812, successfully seizing war prizes against Britain.
