Four Rookwood Art Pottery Items, Cincinnati, Ohio, 19th/20th century, a small white clay bowl with lobed rim in a glossy petal pink glaze with hand-painted decoration of flowering branches, impressed Rookwood mark with faint date mark 1887, no. 62, and W, possible artist's cipher in ink, ht. 1 7/8, dia. 4 3/4; a vase in a turquoise green semimatte glaze with molded cattail design, impressed Rookwood mark for 1925, no. 2592, ht. 5; a handled mug in a violet-gray ombre glaze, impressed Rookwood mark for 1948, no. 2816, ht. 3 7/8, dia. 4 5/8; and a vase with molded tulip design in a possibly experimental thick dark green glaze, impressed Rookwood mark for 1916, no. 2114, ht. 6 1/4 in.
