Eight Cotton, Leather, and Wool Bags, a green felt bag with attached belt, Sweden, 19th century; a green and black knit wool bag with fringed edges, South America, 20th century; a white knit wool bag with brown woven decorative bands of bulls and green knit border, South America, probably Bolivia, 20th century; a woven wool bag with tasseled corners and braided handle, Eastern Europe, 20th century; a striped multicolored woven wool bag with tasseled edges, Peru, second quarter 20th century; an embroidered red and white linen pouch with red and blue fringed edges, Eastern Europe, probably Hungary, 19th century; a black and tan woven wool shoulder bag, Mexico, mid-20th century; and a multicolored striped cotton pocket bag with ball tassels, Mexico, 20th century. Provenance: Formerly property of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
