Seven Modern Dance Posters, Mostly Ted Shawn and Martha Graham: Major Felten (American 1904-1978), Shawn and His Dancers , 1931, inscribed "MAJOR FELTEN" within the matrix l. r., lithograph after a wood engraving; Constantin Alajalov (Russian/American, 1900-1987), Ted Shawn and His Men Dancers , c. 1935, inscribed "aLadjaLov" within the matrix c.r., text within the composition, lithograph and halftone screen on paper; Rose Cecil O'Neill (American, 1874-1944), Ruth St. Denis with Ted Shawn and the Denishawn Dancers , c. 1923, inscribed "O'Neill" within the matrix l.l. and l.r., photolithograph on paper; Four Martha Graham Dance Company and The Joyce Trisler Danscompany offset lithographs, Trisler dedicated "To Bob Bunting...Sincerely Klarna Pinska 1976" in ballpoint pen u.l.; sheet sizes to 37 x 39 in. (94.0 x 99.1 cm), all unframed. Condition: Felten with creasaes, paper backed; Alajalov with tear to u.r. quadrant; O'Neill with punctures, creases, soiling; the rest with minor handling creases and abrasions to edges.
