Gorham Buttercup Pattern Sterling Silver Flatware Service, Providence, Rhode Island, early 20th century, some retailed by H. C. Abbott & Bro., monogrammed, twenty-five demitasse spoons, twenty-four each: teaspoons, cream soupspoons, bouillon soupspoons, citrus spoons, iced tea spoons, table forks, oyster forks; twenty-two solid spreaders, twelve each: hollow-handled knives with blunt blades, hollow-handled knives with French blades, solid fish knives, hollow-handled fruit knives, hollow-handled dessert knives, tablespoons, breakfast spoons, dessert spoons, luncheon forks, salad forks, pastry forks, ice cream forks, fish forks, ramekin forks, fruit forks; four each: serving spoons, serving forks; three each: salad spoons, salad forks, cold meat forks, hollow-handled pastry servers, sugar tongs, sugar spoons; two each: butter knives, gravy ladles, cream ladles, hollow-handled cheese servers; a hollow-handled carving knife and fork, hollow-handled cake-breaker, soup ladle, and butter pick, approx. 425.4 troy oz. weighable silver.
