Assembled Gorham and Whiting Sterling Silver Flatware Service, some pieces with various monograms, Whiting Louis XV pattern: twenty-four salad forks, eighteen teaspoons, thirteen each: dinner forks, dessert forks; twelve each: soupspoons, ice cream spoons; nine solid spreaders with short wide blades, seven solid spreaders with long slender blades, six oyster forks, two each: salt spoons, short sardine forks, lettuce forks; small olive spoon, large olive spoon, cold meat fork, small bonbon tongs, sugar spoon, and crumb scraper; Gorham Strasbourg pattern: thirteen solid spreaders, twelve hollow-handled dinner knives, three dessert forks, bonbon spoon, large cheese scoop, asparagus serving fork, jelly server, condiment spoon, ladle, and serving spoon; together with a Birks Pompadour pattern hollow-handled cheese server, an unmarked hollow-handled bottle opener in a similar pattern, and Hall Cobalt tea strainer; approx. 150.9 total troy oz. weighable silver.
