Nine Commemorative Bronze Medallions, five bronze: two rectangular, one for the Massachusetts Bay Tercentenary 1630 1930 , lg. 3 1/2, one for Louis Pasteur 1822 1895 , lg. 2 7/8, and three roundels, one for the First New York-Paris Flight by Capt. Charles A. Lindbergh , dia. 3 1/4, one for the New Theatre of New York 1909 , dia. 3, and one for Benjamin Franklin 1706 1790 , published in 1932, dia. 3, and four silvered bronzes: a roundel by Godefroid Devreese (1861-1941) with depiction of Albert and Elizabeth Generosity - Gratitude , 1914, dia. 2 3/4, a roundel from the Society of the Protection of Animals in Paris, by A. Doublemard, c. 1901, dia. 1 5/8, a roundel from the Massachusetts Horticultural Society awarded to Arnold Arboretum for a group of flowering shrubs June 7, 1933 by P.N. Mitchell, Boston, dia. 2, and one rectangular with depiction of three male workers, lg. 3 1/8 in.
