Five Haggadot Haggadah shel Pesach . Tel-Aviv: Omanut, 1930. Illustrated by Nachum Gutman. Bezalel stenciled olivewood binding; Syzk. Arthur. The Haggadah . Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv: Published by Massadah and Alumoth, 1956. Quarto, royal blue flocked boards, in original slipcase; Haggadah Eretz-Israel for Pesach . Tel Aviv: Sinai, 1961, Bezalel faux-leather binding with inset brass plaque of Jerusalem; The Sarajevo Haggadah (facsimile). Beograd: 1988, with accompanying text, slipcase; Die Pessach Haggadah . Tel-Aviv: Sinai, 1965, leatherette cover with inset copper plaque, with illustrations by Ze'ev Raban.
