Four Silver Cigarette Cases and a Silver Card Case, 19th/20th century, three niello-decorated: a sterling silver card case with various deities to either side, probably Siamese, ht. 3 3/8; an .900 silver cigarette case with a checkered design throughout and gold-washed interior, maker's mark "WP," wd. 3 1/8; and a cigarette case with unidentified marks, gold-washed interior and exterior with a various foliate scrolls and strapwork to one side and a cathedral to the other, wd. 3 3/8; a German .800 silver cigarette case, Martin Mayer Mainz, maker, with a gold-washed interior, crocodile skin-textured exterior, and vesta case to top with striker, wd. 3 7/8; and a Russian .875 silver cigarette with 84 Kokoshnik standard marks, gold-washed interior, applied silver monogram to one side, and repousse-decorated scene of soldiers to the other, wd. 4 5/8 in., approx. 21.2 troy oz. total.
