Early Printed Books, Mixed Lot, Six Volumes. Francis Quarles's Divine Poemes , London: by M.F. for Marriot, 1638, octavo, modern half leather and buckram, engraved title; Francisco Pomey's Pantheum Mythicum , Frankfurt: Ottonem, 1713, octavo, illustrated, contemporary half leather and speckled paper boards; Stanislao Bechi's Istoria dell'Origine, e Progressi della Nautica Antica , Florence: Tofani, 1785, quarto, contemporary sheepskin, blue marbled end leaves, some peeling, loss of leather at tail, contents good; Tournefort's Materia Medica, or a Description of Simple Medicines Generally Us'd in Physick , London: by W.H. for Andrew Bell, 1716, octavo, bound in full modern leather, browning and spotting to contents; Richard Smith's Florum Historiae Ecclesiasticae , Paris: Leonard, 1654, folio, title page printed in red and black, in contemporary boards, rebacked, contents toned; [and] A defective copy of Meric Casaubaon's (1599-1671) A Treatise Concerning Enthusiasme . London: by Roger Daniel for Thomas Johnson, 1656, incomplete, in later boards. (6)
