Child, Julia (1912-2004) and Simone Beck (1904-1991) Mastering the Art of French Cooking , First Edition, Inscribed to Avis DeVoto (1904-1989), Volumes One and Two. New York: Knopf, 1961 [and 1970]. Two volumes, in publisher's cloth, volume two with the jacket; volume one inscribed, "To Avis, Pen Pal and Co-Author-- Julia/ First inscribed copy-- Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 26, 1961"; and "To my so dearest cherie Avis, avec toute ma profonde affection, Simone Beck"; with Avis's notes, inserted recipes, and corrections of errors in the text; volume two inscribed, "The second child! happily with the same Auntie Avis, still sheltering, advising, hand holding, scolding.... thank God... this is our inscription of thanks from her niece and nephew, Julia and Paul"; and "Comme c'est merveilleux de retrouver ma soeur jumelle Avis, pour le baptême de votre second enfant si bienvenu au monde et avec l'espoir qu'il grandira dans les années a venir. Avec infiniment d'affection, Simone Beck"; signed again by Child on a label advertising The French Chef , television program on WGBH, pasted on ffep, this volume in its original dust jacket, chipped, publisher's binding, sound, 10 x 7 in. (2) Avis DeVoto, Julia Child's friend, pen pal, and editor, initiated a lively two-year long correspondence with Child. DeVoto and Child went on to a lifelong friendship and professional collaboration.
