Architecture Publications, Late 19th to Early 20th Century. Including: Hopkins's Houses and Cottages , Grand Rapids: Hopkins, 1903; Sixty Views of Cottage City, Vineyard Haven, Gay Head, Edgartown, and Innisfail , Boston: Murphy, 1904; Rickman's An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England , Oxford: Henry & Parker, 1862; Bicknell's Specimen Book of One Hundred Architectural Designs , New York: Bicknell, 1879; Royal Barry Willis's Houses for Homemakers , New York: Franklin Watts, 1945, with the dust jacket; Willis's Living on the Level , Cambridge/Boston: Riverside/Houghton Mifflin, 1955; Willis's Better Houses for Budgeteers , New York: Architectural Book Publishing Co., [n.d.]; Palliser's American Cottage Homes , Bridgeport, CT: Palliser, Palliser & Co., 1878, front board detached; and Technology Architectural Review , vol. I, 1888, loose, in a portfolio; Shoppell's Building Designs, $2500 Houses , pages loose, in the publisher's portfolio, thirty plates, no text; and Shoppell's Building Designs, $3500 Houses , pages loose, in publisher's portfolio, twenty-nine plates, one in color, no text. (11)
