Massachusetts General Court, Resolves In the House of Representatives, September 17th, 1776. [Watertown, Mass.: Printed by Benjamin Edes, 1776]. Small folio broadside printed on laid paper, deckle edges, large margins, browned, with the appearance of having been in contact with some acidic material, old folds, slight water stains, 11 3/4 x 8 1/2 in. This document, issued at a critical juncture in the American Revolution, is written to solidify some details regarding the military draft, viz., volunteers will be recalled within at least two months, if not sooner, commanding officers can accept and refund fines paid by those who defer the draft, commanding officers are further empowered to muster militias as needed in order to obtain their quota, and "each man on his march" to volunteer to fight is entitled to a payment of one penny per mile for his trip. ESTC records six copies in American libraries, all held in Massachusetts, including four copies at the American Antiquarian Society, the other two at Harvard and Boston Public Library.
