Henriet, Israel (1590-1667) Jacques Callot (1592-1635) and Others, Six Continental Prints in Five Frames. Plate number five from Les Miseres et les Malheurs de la Guerre , Paris: Henriet, 1633; two versions of the same etching from La Parabole de l'Enfant Prodigue , (number eight, "Il rentre à la maison paternelle") one with the text: "Afligé de le voir de misère transy. Ce bon viellard l'embrasse et le prend à mercy," the other reversed, without the text, framed together; an etching of the Papal Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, signed, Israel excudit, with the number nine in the lower right corner; an etching from Canto Five of Tasso's La Gerusalemme Liberata , by Antonio Tempesta (1555-1630); and one other, also small format, continental, 17th century, with a lake, cowherd, and a distant field, castle, and mountain, unsigned; varying sizes, all framed. (5)