Besler, Basilius (1561-1629) Caryophyllus Sylvestris . [from] Hortus Eystettensis , 1613. Copper-plate engraving of three examples of carnations (dianthus caryophyllus) in pink, red, and white; printed on laid paper, hand-colored, with letterpress text on the verso, the sheet lightly toned, some darkening along the edges, 21 1/4 x 17 3/4 in. [and] Besler, Basilius (1561-1629) Stramonia, Halimus, and Botris Dracontiae Major [from] Hortus Eystettensis , 1613. Copper-plate engraving of Jimson weed (Datura stramonium), Mediterranean saltbush (Atriplex halimus), and a seed head of Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum, aka Brown Dragon) printed on laid paper, hand-colored, with letterpress text on the verso, the sheet lightly toned, some darkening along the edges, 21 1/4 x 17 3/4 in.
