Shaker Medicinal "Asthma Cure" Bottle in Original Box, Mount Lebanon, New York, 19th century, the wooden box covered with polychrome lithographed paper with printed inscriptions: "The Shaker Asthma Cure/For Asthma Only," "Manufactured By the Mount Lebanon Society of Shakers," "Price One Dollar," and the Shaker agent's name "D. C. Brainard," with conforming cavity holding a glass bottle with similar applied lithographed labels, a printed paper listing the rules which "should be strictly observed in connection with the Shaker asthma cure," and one with printed testimonials of the cure, (imperfections), box 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. The New Lebanon, New York, Shakers manufactured their Asthma Cure during the 1880s and 1890s. The labels affixed to the wooden box and bottle are the most colorful ever used by the Shakers to market one of their medicines.
