Shaker Red-painted Pine Loom Bench, Mount Lebanon, New York, c. 1840, the rectangular slightly concave seat above a single dovetailed drawer, with panel below joining the sides with cutout arches, ht. 22, wd. 18, dp. 12 in. Literature: Shaker Furniture: The Craftsmanship of an American Communal Sect , p. 74; New Horizons in American Art , #329; Shaker: Furniture and Objects , plate 28; The Magazine Antiques , May 1979; Gather Up the Fragments , p. 219. Exhibitions: Renwick, 1973. The seat of this example is curved to accommodate the weaver. The entire piece is finished in a red wash. It was "found in loom rooms at the Mt. Lebanon Church," according to Ted Andrews's unpublished notes. Federal Art Project Director Holger Cahill published an illustration of this piece in his New Horizons of American Art (1937) (at left). This landmark publication featured a number of the Andrewses' Shaker objects in a section of "Allied Arts." This loom stool is number 329.
