Collection of Books on Chinese Language, Literature, and Biography Goodrich Dictionary of Ming Biography 2 vols. , National Central Library Ming ren zhuan ji zi liao suo yin , 2 vols., Hummel Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing , Hucker Dictionary of Official Titles in Imperial China , Soothill Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms , Chinese Painting Research Association Zhong guo li dai shu hua zhuan ke jia zi hao suo yin (Famous Names in Chinese Painting, Calligraphy and Seals), Zhong guo ren ming da ci dian (Chinese Names Dictionary), 1931, Zhong guo gu jin di min da ci dian (Dictionary of Chinese Geographical Names) 1933, Shi ming bie hao suo yin (Index of Courtesy Names), Yuan Bibliography of Western Writings on Chinese Art and Archaeology , Lovell Bibliography of Chinese Painting Texts , Liang Chinese Paintings in Chinese Publications , Yu Chinese Literature on Chinese Painting , Cahill Index of Early Chinese Painters and Paintings , Bush Chinese Literature on Painting , Acker Tang Texts on Chinese Painting , Bush Early Chinese Texts on Painting , Scoper Textual Evidence for Secular Art , Soper Kuo Jo-hsu's Experiences in Painting , Soper Literary Evidence for Early Buddhist Art in China , Strassburg Inscribed Landscapes , Wilkinson Chinese History , Legge (trans.) Chinese Classics , English and Chinese, 5 vol. reissue 1960, Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature vol 2 only, Giles Chinese-English Dictionary , Couvreur Dictionnaire de la langue chinoise , Mathews Read more…
