Five Blue and White Porcelain Bowls, China, a large, high-sided bowl, the interior decorated with a roundel depicting three children playing with a toad, the exterior sides of the bowl decorated with a procession of children playing musical instruments, six-character Yongzheng mark on base; a large conical bowl, the interior and exterior covered with stylized lotus blossoms and scrolling foliage, six-character Xuande mark on base; and three smaller conical bowls: two decorated with stylized lotus blossoms and scrolling florals, six-character Yongzheng mark on the bases, and one with a lobed rim, decorated with a boy holding a parasol, the exterior decorated with a parade of children playing musical instruments, six-character Yongzheng mark on base, ht. to 4 1/8 in. From the Estate of Peter L. Rosenberg
