E. Howard & Company No. 80 Renaissance Revival Tall Clock, Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1890, the fully carved mahogany case with sarcophagus top and two carved finials, octagonal glazed dial opening flanked by engaged columns and carved leaf spandrels over the 15-in. cast brass dial inscribed E. Howard & Co./Boston within the seconds bit, applied raised Roman numeral chapters, cast decorated zone, the waist section capped by carved ram's heads, swags and a central winged cupid over the lancet-shaped beveled glass door flanked by three-quarter columns all on a raised and carved two-stage base, eight-day time, strike and quarter-hour Westminster chiming movement on coiled gongs with gilded wooden rod, dead-beat escapement, brass-faced pendulum bob, brass pendulum tie-down and three compounded brass-cased weights, ht. 106 in.
