Flintlock Massachusetts Militia Musket and Bayonet by Alvan Pratt, c. 1826, walnut stock with the Massachusetts Indian and silver-wire inlay on right side of butt, and an American eagle with silver-wire inlay on the left button checkered wrist, brass ramrod pipes, steel lock marked LONDON/WARRENTED , brass triggerguard engraved Mechanic Phalanx , buttplate marked Daniel H. Ferguson and has the rack number No. 22 , barrel marked A. PRATT with an M , L.H. , and 1826 , barrel lg. 42 1/8, overall lg. 57 5/8 in. Note: Alvan Pratt was a gunmaker from Concord, Massachusetts, with a shop on the Milldam working from the 1820s to the 1860s. For more information on a similar gun, see The New England Gun by Merrill Lindsay p. 92.
