Portrait of Jefferson Davis, c. 1864, photographic portrait of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, on the lower right is inscribed When the Confederate army and government withdrew from Richmond, on April 2. 1865, Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary of State, left this portrait of Jefferson Davis in his office. It was given to me by a Provost Marshal's officer who found it there. C.A.D. , on the back upper left is a clear piece of glass, behind which it states Honbl J.P. Benjamin/Secy State/With respects of/W. Preston/Havana, 7 May 1864 , ht. 17 1/2, wd. 14 1/4 in. Provenance: From the collection of the late Peter F. Frazier and M. Prudence Fleck. Note: W. Preston could possibly be William Preston, Confederate Minister to Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.
