Four Swords, c. late 19th/early 20th century, a non-regulation foot officer's sword with steel hilt and shagreen grip, marked on the ricasso PROVED and W. WALSCHEID/SOLINGEN , with a steel scabbard, a cavalry saber with steel hilt and wire-wrapped shagreen grip, marked on the spine of the blade FA D TOLEDO 1870 with a steel scabbard, a Masonic sword with brass hilt, bone grip, and engraved steel blade, with a steel scabbard and brass fittings, and a Model 1902 officer's sword with a plated hilt, bone grip, an engraved steel blade marked U.S. , and a steel scabbard. Provenance: The non-regulation foot officer's sword was purportedly carried in the Civil War by Ezekial Mack, Joliette, Ohio.
