Nine Yachting Trophies, six silver-plate: a Meriden bowl engraved to center "L. Y.C./1932/Series/1st/Jubilee", dia. 10 1/8, a Reed & Barton chalice with an engraved sailboat, ht. 5, a Pairpoint two-handled cup engraved "2nd Prize/New Bedford/Yacht Club/August 13, '91/Sloop Dorothy", ht. 4 1/8, a Meriden chalice engraved with an oar and rope motif to one side and "Bessie+Merlin/won by/Yacht Bessie/Capt. W. Whitney/June 12th 1872", ht. 6 3/4, and two Gorham barrel-form cups each engraved "R.I.Y.C./1888", one further engraved "Won by/Diamond/June 14th 1888", the other engraved "Won by Galdys/June 14th 1888", ht. 5 1/8; three silver: an unmarked, gold-washed chalice with a engraved yacht to one side and a vacant cartouche to the other, and weighted base, ht. 6 7/8, a two-handled trophy lacking a maker's mark, engraved "Robert M Lukens, M.D./Trophy/Commodore Regatta/G.W.Y.C./1944/1st Prize/Moth/won by/Minx/Edward A. Flood Jr.", with a copper mount to base, ht. 5 5/8, and an. A.G. Schultz beaker engraved "M.Y.C./Opening Day/Second Place/Sparkle/1938", ht. 4 7/8 in., approx. 5.1 troy oz. weighable silver.
