Scrimshaw Whale's Tooth Showing the Frances of New Bedford, Frederick Myrick, Nantucket, c. 1828-29, one side carved with banner reading "The Frances on the Coast of Peru," above the whaleship with crew hoisting the blanket piece aboard and three whaleboats at the bow, and motto "Death to the living, long life to the killers,/Success to the sailors' wives & greasy luck to whalers" below, the other side carved with banner reading "The Frances on her homeward bound passage," with lighthouse off the port bow, and inscription "Ship Frances of New Bedford" below, the tip carved on one side with crossed American flags, the other with an anchor above the signature "Eng. by Fredk Myrick," and eagle clutching arrows and an olive branch, below a vine and star border and banner inscribed "E Pluribus Unum," (small chip to tip), ht. 6 1/2 in. Literature: This tooth, one of two known showing the whaleship Frances , is illustrated and discussed in Frederick Myrick of Nantucket Scrimshaw Catalogue Raisonne , compiled by Donald E. Ridley, P.E., and edited by Stuart M. Frank, Ph.D., (Kendall Whaling Museum, Sharon, Massachusetts, 2000), as tooth #30 F-1, p. 31. Provenance: reportedly traded to the owner's grandfather in the late 19th century by a hobo in a exchange for a meal. To the owner's mother in 1925. To the consignor about 1974. Note: In a biographical note that appears in the Catalogue Raisonne, Stuart Frank writes that Frederick Myrick is "undoubtedly the most famo Read more…