Joseph Norris Thirty-day Longcase Clock with Alarm, Amsterdam, c. 1700, the walnut case with flat molded top and carved cresting, carved sound vents on the hood sides, the glazed hood door with carved frieze, barley-twist columns and Corinthian capitals over the 11-in. brass composite Roman numeral dial signed along the lower edge Joseph Norris/Amsterdam , quarter- and half-hour marks, matted center with ringed winding, date, and seconds bit holes, cast brass spandrels, and alarm setting disc at the base of the pierced steel hands, burl walnut veneered rectangular waist door with glass lenticle, burl veneered base panel, two-stage molding and bun feet, thirty-day duration six-ringed pillar movement with attached alarm crown wheel and hammer, rear mounted count-wheel and domed bell, powered by brass-cased weights and regulated by a pendulum, ht. 84 in.
