Three Waltham and Four Other Open Face Watches, the Walthams, one with an engine-turned gold-tone dial, 15-jewel, damascened nickel movement, in a gold-filled case, a key-wind, key-set movement No. 989122 in an Argentine silver case, and a stem-wind, set-set movement in Silveroid case, a Seth Thomas with Montgomery dial, 21-jewel, damascened, dual color movement in a fully engraved gold-filled case, a Burlington with Montgomery dial, 21-jewel, nickel, bar-type movement in a gold filled case, an Illinois with a 21-jewel Penn Special movement, engine-turned silver-tone dial in an octagonal gold-filled case, and a Hebdomas, eight-day, 15-jewel movement with visible balance wheel in a repousse base metal case marked Huguenin , dia. 46 to 57 mm.
