Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) Public Sorrow! Utica, New York: 15 April 1865. Broadside printed within a mourning border, with the headline in a bold wood type, old folds, some surface loss, small splits in the paper, one repaired from the verso with old tape, affecting the last W in sorrow and the exclamation point, 15 1/4 x 11 in. "Public Sorrow! Mayor's office, Utica, April 15, 1865. A great calamity has befallen the nation, in the murder of its Chief Magistrate, and attempted murder of the chief officer of his Cabinet. Citizens are requested to close their places of business and suspend their usual avocations from 12 o'clock noon until 2 o'clock P.M., of to-day, during which hours all the bells in the city will be tolled. John Butterfield, Mayor."
