Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) The Complete Works , Manuscript Edition; [and] Journals , Large Paper Edition Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1903-1904 [and] Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1909-1912. The two sets making up a total of twenty octavo volumes; the Works (twelve volumes) with an original manuscript leaf in Emerson's hand bound in volume one, set number fifty-six of a limited edition of 600, bound in uniform half green morocco, spines tooled in gilt, t.e.g., tooling identical to the accompanying eight volume set of Emerson's Journals , large paper copy, also number fifty-six of 600, bound in half brown morocco, all volumes in both sets 8 3/4 x 5 1/2 in., occupying approximately three feet of shelf space. (20)
