Photographs of Ancient Egyptian Monuments and Architecture, Sixty-nine. Albumen prints mounted on mat board, sixteen taken by P. Dittrich (fl. 1880-1918), one taken by Henri Bechard (c. 1860-1870), and forty-six taken by J. Pascal Sebah (1823-1886), six uncredited; subjects include: the Valley of the Kings, the Tomb of Ti, the Pyramid of Zoser, the Royal Pavilion of Rameses, the Temple of Rameses III, the Temple of Amon, the Temple of Isis, the Temple of Horus, the Temple of Hathor, the Temple of Hatshepsut, the Tomb of Ameni, the Tomb of Khnemhotep, the Temple of Seti I, the Temple of Rameses II, the Tomb of Tut-ankh-amen, the Ramesseum, and others, most with multiple views; some chipping to the mounts, large vertical crack affecting the Bechard, some fading, condition varies; with call number stickers and descriptions pasted on the versos of most, some hand inscribed; some with labels of the Mead Art Building, Amherst College, the Bechard ex-libris the Fogg Museum, with their duplicate stamp; all 8 1/2 x 10 3/4 in., except for the Bechard photo, which is 14 1/2 x 10 in. (69)
